Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Can we ever do enough right?

This past week has been one full of blessings! Well every week is I believe its just this week I have chosen to see those blessings.

God really loves us. He loves us SO much.  :) I can feel it, I believe it, it is something I know. We keep acting in the smallest ways we can, our hope will be stronger and our faith will increase.  We will be incredibly happy and full of joy for it.  That is what our Heavenly Father desires for each of his children.  This is possible not because we are doing enough "right".  We can never do enough.  He just loves us and blesses us for trying. I believe this is a difficult truth to accept.  So often we do good things only to compare them to what we haven't done, should have done or still need to do.  Don't get me wrong, it is VERY important and a huge blessing to see our shortcomings, that way we know where to improve.  BUT where is our focus? and when we look at those shortcomings is it with a hope in Christ or with feelings of inadequacy and failure?

I have always believed that where your thoughts and attention are that is where you are going.  If we focus on the negative, what we have done wrong or haven't done right or even the part of something good we did that wasn't the best (well sure I read my scriptures but I didn't read enough).  If we always think this way where is the hope and where will the desire come to keep going and keep trying if we always somehow fail. It doesn't. Guess who's plan that is? Yep. Satan. A tricky little device of the adversary.  He finds great success in this sneaky little plan to get us caught in a cycle of doubt, fear, inadequacy, hopelessness even when we do try to do good.

Now this is where gratitude comes into play...

Where does everything good in life come from?

Heavenly Father through His son Jesus Christ

So- if we focus on the good in our life (yes, even our small teeeny tiny efforts) what are we focusing on?


This is how we recognize God's hand in our life.  This is how we "live with gratitude ever in our hearts" (pres monson).  We are not grateful when we only see our shortcomings, we are prideful.  But when we focus on those small happy efforts and tiny triumphs in our lives that is where we find hope and the power and desire to continue doing happy little things.

But the only reason we can think in this way is because of what the Savior has done!  That is just it.  We are not required to do everything the BEST or perfectly right.  We only must try! Then we accept his love into our lives.  I do not believe my sin to be the heaviest thing on the Savior's heart.  I believe my unwillingness to have hope is very heavy on his heart, even a huge slap in the face to what he has done so I can have hope.

Well this was all scattered, hope it made a tiny bit of sense :)

Be kind to yourself and remember the Savior.  I promise as we see the good, God WILL maximize the outcome of our small efforts! We will be happy and will be well on our way to becoming more like Him.

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