Sunday, June 30, 2013

Let us Oft Speak Kind Words to Eachother

 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

                                                                               -Mark 12:31

In our world there is much darkness.  There seems to be much cynicism, negativity, sarcasm, and harshness.  Our world is one of competition and comparison.  In our roles as husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, co-workers, and all others we have power through the speech we use to bring light, hope, joy, and peace to those we interact with especially as members of the church who have the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Most of us go through our day not thinking much on how we communicate with others, it seems simple, it is something that we have all learned since we were young.  I have been learning, especially in the last year the importance of my choice of words and the tone of voice I use as I speak with those around me.  I have just started to scratch the surface of understanding the powerful impact my words have on those around me and how others words have shaped who I am.  I have started to see how my words and how I say them can have a major weight on the way a person sees themselves and the world.  I recognize that I have the greatest influence within my family.  I can hurt and tear them down more than any other. At times I have caused much sorrow, hurt, and confusion and often without even recognizing it.  I have learned that some of things I have said to my family, good and bad have stuck with them and really had an effect on them.  I am grateful that I have started to see this and that through the atonement I can begin to change.

I would challenge you all to take a day and pay special attention to the way you speak to others. What words are you using?  What is your tone of voice?  How are they receiving the words you say?  Are your words full of faith, hope, and charity?

Because the way we communicate is so built into us from years and years of learning and practice it is not an easy thing to change.  I know every day I mess up in some way.  The way we put our words together and the tone of voice we use is such a delicate matter when we are aware and working to change it.  Much patience and prayer is required as we strive to become more like our Heavenly Father in this way. 

Today I would like to share with you a pattern of thought I have had to change in order to change the way I speak to others and to fill my words more consistently with charity and love.  I have learned that the way we speak to others is a very close reflection of the way we speak to ourselves. 

About a year ago I recognized the harsh way I spoke to myself.  I was so negative, sarcastic, unhopeful, and impatient.. I used these negative thoughts as my “motivation” to change.  At times it worked but it was a very temporary and fleeting change.  I decided I wanted to make more lasting and permanent change in my life.  I began seeking ways to do that.  Through the scriptures, prayer, and the spirit I have started to see the pride that came with my negative thinking patterns.  By thinking so poorly about myself I was denying the Savior’s atonement to work in my life.  I did not trust enough in his power to let go of my “motivating” negative thoughts.  I needed those thoughts!  Letting them go was a scary thought.  But as I did the savior’s love and forgiveness filled the spaces that had been occupied by my negative thoughts.  As I moved forward with this pattern of thought, thinking positively about the things I could do because of Jesus Christ my life began to change.  The way I view people changed.  The way I spoke of myself and others changed drastically. 

We must be humble and let go of our doubt, fears, and insecurities.  These thoughts will not motivate us for great lasting change.  These thoughts are those that Satan uses to bind us but with faith in Christ, not in ourselves, we can escape them. The saviors love will feel the deepest spaces within the human heart and soul if we empty them of negativity and allow his love, light, and hope fill those needs us. 

When we rely on our Savior in this way and we are filled with his light we are able to see others the way he sees us.  When we understand that the Savior looks upon us with love, hope, and great patience we realize this is how we should look at those around us. 

We must recognize that those around us are trying to.  They have their own struggles.  They have their own insecurities. When a person speaks to us in a mean way we can try to remember that the way a person speaks to us may very well be the way they speak to themselves.  They need our help.  We can love them the way the Savior loves by giving encouragement, hope, and love in our words. By our response to them we could change the whole conversation, we may even impact the way that person views themselves or the world.  We have the spirit.  We can bring hope and light to those around us.  I hope that we may be humble in accepting Christ in our lives that we may have a greater influence on those around us to look toward him as well.  As we speak with the spirit we speak the words of Christ.