Sunday, September 6, 2015

Living in Peace

With the new amazing videos that have come out about real people going through the Addiction Recovery Program (check it out here) I have been thinking about my own recovery through the program and how drastically life changing it was. What a beautiful experience my recovery has been. I would not trade my struggles for anything. I am now able to look at every new challenge I face with honesty, hope, and faith in Jesus Christ. I am genuinely excited about life and each day I get to work at becoming better through Him.

Reviewing some of my past posts, especially the tab with "my story" is humbling. It truly is incredible that I am a wife and mother of 2 that lives every day in peace... I sleep, instead of making diet plans and working out all night. I'm at my most healthy weight in 10 years and I actually eat real food (milk, cheese, bread, meat, etc.) and even ice cream every day!  I no longer twitch and fidget all the time. Eating a sandwich without a total meltdown happens everyday! I can leave the house without a jacket to hide myself and not even think twice about it! The last thing I think about before going to sleep each night and first thing I think about when I wake up every morning are my children, not how fat I am. I don't constantly review every tiny thing that is wrong with me. Most importantly I am at peace. I am happy.

While I have made HUGE steps to changing I still have things to do and learn. The 12 step process is incredible because it is something I will use my entire  life. I am using the principles in the program to become a better wife, mother, and disciple of Christ every day!