Monday, March 5, 2012

Knowledge vs. Faith & Hope

As I study and ponder I have what is referred to as "ah-ha moments"- I like to think of these as "no-duh moments". With effort gospel principles make so much sense and the things I learn seem so simple, true and as if they should be quite obvious, but we are here to gain experience and exercise faith. When we learn truth it will be simple and clear. The spirit testifies of truth and brings clarity and greater understanding to the mind. I love how much sense the gospel can make as we put forth the effort to understand truth. I hope to have many more of these "no-duh moments" in my life.

I have been thinking a lot about the manner in which we bear testimony, teach and learn. In bearing testimony and teaching I feel more clarity, humility, and plainness of speech would be more effective. I believe being more in tune with the spirit and by studying the Savior's example would increase our effectiveness in both teaching and bearing testimony.

I am coming to believe that in able to more clearly communicate it is important to understanding the difference between knowing something to be true and having faith and hope that something is true. I have considered how it would feel to be an investigator in the church and hearing members express all the many things they know. I would probably be thinking something like "Well how? How do they know?!" I would also think it quite a daunting task or even impossible to ever reach such a level of understanding or knowledge even if it what they were professing was true. How much more attainable finding such a testimony would seem if the person had more a feeling of invitation to join the testimony bearer in faith and hope that the things they believed were true?

Really I do not know. I realize my past posts probably contradict this idea (so great we are all here learning and growing :] ) but knowing is something that has already happened. For example, I know I brushed my teeth this morning. However, I do not know that I will brush my teeth tonight. I have hope and faith in myself that I will brush my teeth but I can't have actual knowledge until I have done it.

One day I hope to be blessed by God to know the many things I have strong faith and hope in to be true but until that day I need to adjust the way I think and speak. I will focus more on faith, hope, gratitude and belief to express my thoughts and feelings. I believe if I have this attitude I will be more humble and willing to work harder to increase my hope and faith making more possible for God to bless me with actual knowledge.

 Another thing to think about and study is the relation between testimony and knowledge. What does it mean to testify? Well that is for another night... it is late and I already feel I have been a little confusing and scattered in recording my thoughts.

I believe becoming more humble and realizing how much I don't know will make it possible for my faith and hope to grow, allowing more room for the atonement to work in my life. I can cast out the pride in my heart and as I do my heart can become as clay in the Lord's hands.

1 comment:

  1. I love you with all of my heart!!! We'll keep moving forward with faith and hope (even if we don't have a surety of knowledge)!
